Saturday, August 27, 2011

How Leaders Might Use Blogs

Leaders using blogs is a great way for communicating with a network of other educators and leaders.  Blogs are a way to communicate current school issues, school action research information, school successes, etc.  Networking with a variety of others opens the lines to an endless supply of advice, validation, ideas, contacts, and more.  As a leader, leading by example is something I believe in.   Communicating through a blog to teachers, parents, and students, you show them that learning is life-long and the lines of communication are open. Those reading the blog have access to school calendars, upcoming events, school successes, etc.  Leaders can also use blogs as a self-reflection tool as they lead their school.  Reflecting on implementation of practices, staff trainings, school issues, etc.  allows the leader a series of dated events that tracks the school's progress. 

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